Leadership: 7 Actions to Build Your Team Today

January 18, 2024

Leadership can mean different things to different people. It’s not an extension of a title, and it’s not to be confused with managing. Leading people is a discipline, skill and art all at the same time. And for your business to grow, you need to assemble a team of bright-minded, experienced visionaries that can help you forge a path into the future.Your select group can be two people or 20, but these few items below explain the considerations and actions necessary to get it right, and to be prepared for any challenge the future may bring.

1. Fund it: First and foremost, make sure you are allocating dollars as needed for your leadership endeavor. You may need software to manage goals and messaging, incentives for participation and more. Get the money part right upfront.

2. Commit to it: The atmosphere can get thin at these heights, and so can ambivalence if you’re not careful. Make sure your team members are committing to the cause appropriately.

3. Get culture right: Make sure your belief systems align. It’s ok for an occasional dissenting voice, but if your values are not in step, then there could be troubles that are hard to fix down the road.

4. Who does what: People want to know what they are supposed to do. This is true even in the highest ranks. Document roles and responsibilities in a way that is clear and easy to execute on.

5. State your goals: If you can’t measure, you can’t manage. Keep your objectives, OKRs, KPIs, and goals handy. Review them regularly and make sure they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-sensitive.

6. Ask around: Ask your staff their opinion, so decisions are not made in a vacuum. Create online surveys or have one-on-one conversations to determine how your people feel about the direction you’re heading.

7. Mindset matters: Your team needs to share a similar work ethic, but, more importantly, a balance of perspective and realism. It can be healthy to have opposing views, but being on the same page in the big picture is critical.

May the best candidates win!